Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Other Woman

Yes, this is the other female in Brian's life. We adopted Maggie last October. She is a miniature dachshund, a mix of long hair and smooth coat. Brian declares she is just the cutest dog ever!! And in case you didn't know it, today (June 25) is "Take your dog to work day". That is really no big deal for Maggie because she comes with us most days. It's a good thing my feelsings don't get hurt easily because lately more and more people come and and the first question is "Where's Maggie?" She is very good with children of all ages.

We took this picture when we had the set up for one of our babies. We hung Maggie's "puppy clothes", easter bunny, collar and her very favorite bedtime cuddler "Wormy" on the clothes line. Would we do this for customer's pets??? You bet! We had a ball and Maggie seemed to enjoy it too!

One small compensation we have made at the studio is putting up a small counter and gate to keep her away from the front door and people as they first come in. That way if someone has an allergy or isn't comfortable around dogs she can be moved to a back room.

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